Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Vaginal yeast Infections - How to combat them

Vaginal yeast infections
How to combat vaginal yeast infections? Firstly you have to prepare yourself a good knowledge before combating vaginal yeast infections. You have to understand that the vagina is a self-cleaning organ. Discharge is a normal cleaning function of that process.
Mostly all women have some amount of discharge that will be noticeable on their underwear during their lifetimes. As you all know some women produce more discharge than others. Discharge is generally heavier when you are young and becomes less so as you age. Many women as they become older will have dryness problems, particularly during menopause. Keeping the vaginal area clean and dry can lessen the onset of infections.
But be caution, too regular washing or done too abrasively can lead to irritation which can then lead to infection. After using the toilet, wipe from front to back; never back to front. Wiping from back to front can bring bacteria from the anus into the vagina and urethra which can cause vaginal yeast infections. If you notice any discharge that appears unusual in color or texture, or discharge that appears with odor or irritation, see your doctor.
Most women will experience vaginal yeast infections at some point in their lives; many will experience them frequently. The most common infections are yeast infections and are easily treated.
Remember it is always advised to see a doctor first, especially if this is your first infection of vaginal yeast. There are many over-the-counter creams available for vaginal yeast infections. A doctor will prescribe stronger versions if necessary, and if your infection is bacterial instead of yeast, you will need a prescription.
If you having an abnormal discharge, you may have these characteristics: clumpy white 'cottage cheese' appearance, heavy yellowish appearance, greenish-yellow appearance with 'fishy' odor, or very liquid-y. Quickly See a doctor if you have these symptoms.
The best way to combat vaginal yeast infections is to stay hydrated every day. The vagina can become dehydrated right along with the rest of the body and this can create a different smell and different levels of discharge.

Learn This Super Simple 5-Step Protocol Cured Candida Yeast Infections In Just 12 Hours

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Asid Boric Vaginal Yeast Infection -How to prevent when on antibiotics?

acid voric infection vaginal yeast
asid boric infection vaginal yeast

How to prevent acid boric vaginal yeast infection when on antibiotics?
I've never had a acid boric vaginal yeast infection, but I am beginning to believe I may have one. I know the clearish thin discharge is normal for women, but occasionally I will have a thicker white discharge that does have an odor. I have no reddish, itching or burning. Any suggestions ?
Every time I am prescribed any anti-biotic, I get a acid boric vaginal yeast infection. Can a doctor prescribe something to fight off the yeast in advance or is there a reliable way to prevent it with home remedy or diet?
Now that I got that off my chest let me move on.....
I too am a sufferer of acid boric vaginal yeast infections while on antibiotics, it is really a pain BUT, here are a few tips to avoid or deal with them!
1.) Take acidophiles while on the antibiotic. Yogurt does NOT have enough alone to fight off the yeast from antibiotics. you'd have to eat a yogurt factory to actually help. Eating 1 container a day is only good for ibs (irritable bowel syndrom)
I eat yogurt every day and still get acid boric vaginal yeast infections while on certain medications so, I would not suggest that as a cure for your problem, You need more than what these people are suggesting!
Get the acidophiles that you store in the frig, from GNC with Live cultures, Take 2 in the morning and 2 before bed.
2.) Explain to your doctor that you get acid boric vaginal yeast infections and ask for a pill Diflucan, that fights yeast while on this.
3.) Get a couple boxes of monistat while on this.

I know acid boric vaginal yeast infections are annoying while taking other antibiotics but, I have learned how to deal with them by the 3 above choices.
Good Luck and happy healing!
I get them too!
Yogurt will help, but if it doesn't do the trick, call your doctor and ask for a Diflucan. It's a acid boric vaginal yeast infection treatment that just involves taking one pill. I always keep one on hand.
The best and easiest thing to do is to eat yogurt every day. The yogurt has to have active cultures in it or you can get a pill called acidophilus. You can also get milk with acidophilus which is very easy if your a milk drinker. These help keep a normal ph balance in your uterus and vagina. It's worked for me. Try it out.
Yes by consuming yogurt every day. One container daily will keep the bacteria away and the vaginal acid boric vaginal yeast infections from happening.

Learn This Super Simple 5-Step Protocol Cured Candida Yeast Infections In Just 12 Hours

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Acid Boric Infection Vaginal Yeast -Natural Remedies

Acid Boric Infection Vaginal Yeast
Natural Remedies and Home Remedies for Yeast Infection
Here are some natural remedies and home remedies that are used for yeast infection. Probiotics

Probiotics are a popular natural remedy for yeast infection. They are live microbial organisms that are naturally present in the digestive tract and vagina. Probiotics, sometimes referred to as "friendly" bacteria, suppress the growth of potentially harmful organisms such as Candida, which is why probiotic supplements have been explored as a natural remedy for yeast infection.

The type of probiotic being studied for yeast infections is Lactobacillus, especially Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1, and Lactobacillus fermentum RC-14. In some studies, low levels of Lactobacilli in the vagina have been associated with yeast infection.

Preliminary lab studies have found that Lactobacilli can block the growth of Candida albicans in the vagina. Some clinical trials support these finding, however, the quality of these studies has generally been poor, making it difficult to draw definite conclusions.

Probiotics are available as oral supplements. Probiotic vaginal supposities are also available, although they are more difficult to find. To learn more about probiotics, read my article on acidophilus and probiotics.
Boric Acid Suppositories

Another natural remedy for yeast infection is boric acid. Boric acid is a chemical substance with mild antiseptic and antifungal properties. A small Italian study examined the effectiveness of a topical treatment with boric acid compared to oral treamtment with the antifungal drug itraconazole (Sporanox) in 22 women with recurrent yeast infection. The topical boric acid was found to be as effective as itraconazole.

A large study looked at a single 150 milligram dose of the oral medication fluconazole (Diflucan) or boric acid vaginal suppositories (600 milligrams a day for 14 days) in 112 diabetic patients with recurrent vaginal yeast infection. At the end of the study, boric acid vaginal suppositories resulted in a higher cure rate (63.6%) compared to fluconazole (28.8%).

In another study, the charts of all patients seen at a vaginitis clinic between 1989 and 1994 were reviewed. The charts of people who had been treated with boric acid suppositories (600 miligrams per day for 14 days) for a particular type of candida yeast infection caused by Candida glabrata were examined. Of the 26 cases, 81 percent had a clinical improvement or cure, and the fungus was eradicated in 77% of people. Boric acid suppositories were more successful than therapy with topical and oral antifungal medications, which had success rates of less than 50%.

Boric acid suppositories are available from some compounding pharmacies. A boric acid suppository product called Yeast Arrest is manufactured by a supplement company based in Oregon called Vitanica. Yeast Arrest contains boric acid and the herbs oregon grape root and calendula.

There are safety concerns, however, with boric acid. Boric acid is toxic and should never be taken internally (by mouth) or placed on cuts or open wounds. It shouldn't be used for a prolonged period of time, or in amounts greater than what's recommended. It should not be used by pregnant women or applied to the skin of infants or children. Side effects of the suppositories may include vaginal burning and irritation.
Tea Tree Oil

The essential oil tea tree oil, diluted and applied topically to the vaginal area, has shown some potential as a natural home remedy for yeast infection. A compound called terpinen-4-ol in tea tree oil appears to be responsible.

Unfortunately, there haven't been any clinical studies in humans showing that tea tree oil is effective or safe for yeast infection. Until we have more evidence, it should not be recommended. Tea tree oil must be diluted before applying it to the body. Full strength tea tree oil should never be applied to the vaginal area.
o Tea Tree Oil Fact Sheet
o Lavender and Tea Tree Oils Linked to Breast Growth in Boys
o How to Use Essential Oils Safely
o Tips on Buying Essential Oils

Symptoms of Yeast Infection

* Itching and burning around the vagina
* White vaginal discharge that may look like cottage cheese
* Pain during sexual intercourse
* Burning with urination

Getting a Yeast Infection Diagnosed

Although there are many over-the-counter remedies and natural home remedies, you should see a doctor to get properly diagnosed and evaluated, especially if:

* This is your first yeast infection.
* You've had other types of vaginal or urinary tract infection.
* You've already tried treating yourself and symptoms persist.
* You have a weakened immune system due to cancer treatments or diseases such as AIDS.
* You have a fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, abdominal or back pain, bloody discharge, or difficult or increased urination. Go to the hospital immediately, as it may be a serious condition such as kidney infection, appendicitis, or pelvic inflammatory disease.
* You're with a new sex partner or have had multiple sex partners. It's important to make sure you don't have a sexually transmitted disease, since the symptoms can be similar.

Vaginal yeast infection can be confused with other conditions, such as:

* Bacterial vaginosis - this common condition occurs when there is an imbalance between beneficial and harmful bacteria in the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis can spread through sexual intercourse, but it can also occur in women who douche or use an intrauterine birth control device (IUD). It is also common in pregnancy. Symptoms include a gray, foul-smelling discharge with a fishy odor. The odor is often more noticeable after sexual intercourse.
Acid Boric Infection Vaginal Yeast